Daily Bible Verses by Book

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Book of the Bible
  • Heavenly father, give me grace to do what is right, even when others don’t, and when I am faced with corrupt practices.

    A warning from the Lord Almighty, about the disintegration of society that comes about when we turn away from Justice, Righteousness and Mercy
    All material and human resources will gradually run dry and be replaced with oppression and civil unrest.
    People will be so desperate for leaders that they will choose leaders with little or no...

  • Heavenly father, whenever I enjoy the beautiful things in life which are here today and gone tomorrow, give me grace to enjoy the beautiful qualities of life which are eternal.

    16 The Lord says,
    “The women of Zion think highly of themselves,
    flirting with their eyes,
    strutting along with swaying hips,
    and every fashion accessory.
    17 Therefore the Lord will bring sores on...

  • Heavenly Father, open my eyes today to see your presence, your glory - let it be to me a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain.
    What I pray for myself I pray for those on my heart today.

    In that day (when the dreadful consequences of sin will occur] the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel. ...

  • Thank you heavenly Father, for the love that you have for your Son, Jesus

    I will sing for the one I love
        a song about his vineyard:

    Thank you heavenly Father, for the love you have for your people

    My loved one had a vineyard
        on a fertile hillside.
    He dug it up and cleared it of stones
        and planted it with the choicest vines.
    He built a watchtower in it...

  • Heavenly Father, whenever I am successful in the things of this life, give me grace to have an understanding of eternal things.
    Give me a passion for Justice and righteous acts and protect me from deceit,

    Woe to you who acquire property and wealth until you are lonely.
    The Lord Almighty has declared in my hearing that:
    “Large houses will become empty,10 and their estates will produce tiny...

  • Heavenly father
    give me grace to be truthful to myself about what is good and not good
    give me grace to understand the limits of my wisdom
    give me grace to find fulfilment in doing what is right, rather than what is pleasurable
    lead me not into the temptation of using power to do what is wrong

    20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil,
    21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
    22 Woe to those who are...

  • Heavenly Father, give me grace to “see” the source of all goodness and prosperity
      give me grace to “see” you
      give me grace to see that the whole earth is full of your glory.

    In the year that King Uzziah died  
    (and Uzziah was a king who had brought prosperity to Judah, so Isaiah and others were looking for where good times in the future might come from)
    (and Uzziah had been inflicted with leprosy having tried to extend his authority to temple worship, and possibly put...

  • Heavenly father
    give me grace to see and admit to what there is within me that is destructive
    give me grace to see and admit my part in what is destructive within my family  / community
    give me grace to let go of it, just as you let go of it, and do not hold it against me.

    “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”


  • Heavenly Father give me grace to hear and understand what needs to be done
    Give me grace to say “Here am I.  Send me”
    Give me grace to do this particularly when the outlook is bleak, and what I do will make little difference.

    Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
    And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

    (People just don’t want to be told that what they are doing is wrong)

    He said...

  • Heavenly father
    give me grace to trust in you, particularly when I am under threat.

    1-2 Ahaz, king of Judah, was afraid when Syria and Israel attacked Judah

    3-9Yahweh told Isaiah to go and tell Ahaz to not be afraid.

    10 Yahweh spoke again to Ahaz, saying, 11 “Ask a sign of Yahweh your God”
    (so that when the sign happens you can have something...
