Changes agreed by Cherry Hinton Baptist Church on March 19th in the light of social distancing recommendations of March 16th are as follows:
Virtual Church Meetings:
We will continue to meet for worship, prayer, fellowship and bible study, but replace physical meetings with on-line meetings, using Zoom software, where we can see each other’s faces
Virtual meetings will start with immediate effect: Sunday Gathered worship (morning and some evenings), House groups (Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and some Saturdays), Prayer groups (Sundays and Tuesdays), together with Deacons’ meetings and Church Members meetings. Our virtual meeting on Sunday morning will include break out sessions for different aged children.
Those who usually attend meetings will be sent electronic invitations to the virtual meetings.
If you wish to attend a meeting you have not previously attended fill in the contact form on the website saying which group you wish to be invited to.
Virtual Meetings for Holy week may include Prayers for healing (Wed); Communion (Thu); and Readings and hymns for Good Friday. There may be a creative way of marking Good Friday along the High Street within social distancing guidelines. However there will be no Easter Garden Service
Pastoral and Community Care:
Personal support network: Church members are encouraged to support friends, family, neighbours and work colleagues; particularly those who are sick, vulnerable, lonely and/or unable to access the internet, using remote technology (phone, text, email, whatsapp) wherever possible and then making an assessment of when social interaction is a necessity, and taking suitable practical precautions.
Friday Friends Support Network: Friday friends staff are starting to give weekly support to 50 elderly and vulnerable people known to the church through Friday Friends
Community Action Response: Church members are encouraged to volunteer with this scheme hosted by St Andrew’s church and the Residents Association to give assistance to the sick and vulnerable .
We are looking into the possibilities of running on-line versions of Community Choir and Messy Play Story and Songs
We are unable at present to continue Grace Cafe, Food for Thought Cafe, Messy Dads or Youth Group
As things stand Holiday Bible Club may not take place in July.