Covid Protocols (Staff)

From Covid 2020-22 outbreak: 

On Entry:

  1. Wash hands.
  2. Check that there is a Track and Trace register for the event.
  3. Check there is hand gel, hand soap and paper towels available.
  4. Check the safety guidelines posters are up and visible.
  5. Open as many windows and doors as possible to allow air flow.
  6. Antibac wipe frequently touched surfaces (e.g. door handles, tables, arms and backs of chairs).

During opening:

  1. Ensure that those with Covid symptoms do not enter the building.
  2. Manage the track and trace contact list.
  3. Encourage face coverings being worn inside the building.
  4. Encourage people to limit close proximity to others.
  5. Encourage people to avoid social interaction with a large number of people.
  6. Encourage people to avoid speaking above a normal speaking voice.
  7. Regularly antibac wipe frequently touched surfaces.

After closing:

  1. Antibac wipe frequently touched surfaces (e.g. door handles, tables, arms and backs of chairs).
  2. Antibac wipe Information table if used.
  3. Antibac wipe toilet and Kitchen area if used.
  4. Antibac wipe and empty any rubbish bins that have been used.
  5. Check there is enough personal and surface cleaning products left (if not alert Church Community Worker).
  6. Close all windows and external doors.
  7. Wash hands as you leave.