The Bible describes a history of the world in five parts:Act 1: The BeginningAct 2: Israel (which is in three parts: Egypt, Promised Land, Babylon)Act 3: JesusAct 4: The ChurchAct 5: The End Act 1: The Beginning and Act2 scene 1: Israel in Egypt* Beginning: Creation, Disobedience, Rainbow Covenant* Patriarchs: Abram’s call, Abram’s faith, Sacrifice of Isaac, Stairway to heaven, Jacob’s struggle, Joseph* Out of Egpyt: Moses’ birth, Burning bush, Passover, Red Sea * Sinai story: Bread from heaven, Covenant, Golden calf, Rock of Ages * Sinai Law: Commandments, Priests, Holiness, Deuteronomy * To Jordan: Spies, Moses at Meribah, Conquest of Transjordan Act 2 Scene 2: Israel in the Promised Land * Joshua: Joshua’s calling, Jordan, Jericho, Dividing the land * Judges: Deborah, Gideon, Samson, Ruth, Samuel * King Saul: Saul’s anointing, Saul’s disobedience, David anointed, Goliath, Jonathan * King David: David becomes King, Jerusalem, Bathsheba, Absalom * King Solomon: Wisdom, Wealth, Temple, Wives * Wisdom: Psalms, Song of Solomon, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job Act 2 Scene 3: Israel in Exile * Demise of Northern Kingdom: Jereboam to Ahab, Elijah, Elisha, Ahaziah to Jereboam II, Jonah, Amos, Hosea , Fall of Samaria * Demise of Southern Kingdom: Rehoboam to Ahaz, Micah, Isaiah, Manasseh, Josiah, Jeremiah, Judgement, Fall of Jerusalem * Exile in Babylon: Lamentations, Danie , Esther, Ezekiel, Second Isaiah * Return from Exile: Rebuilding the temple, Rebuilding the walls, Zechariah, Tithes and Elijah, God’s Locust Plague Act 3: Gospels of Jesus* Beginnings Birth , Temptation, New Birth, Callings, Lame walking, Sabbath healing & the 12, Sermon on the Mount , Responding, Parables, Storms, Bread of Life * The penny begins to drop Faith, Forgiving, The 72, Prayer, Cripples, Water, Blindness , Good Shepherd, Cost, Value, Resurrection, Marriage & money * Death and Resurrection Palm Sunday, Conflict, Final judgement, Passover, True Vine, Arrest, Trial, Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension Act 4: Early Church * The Jerusalem Church: Pentecost; Stephen; Saul; Gentiles * Paul’s Journeys: Council of Jerusalem; Philippi; Athens; Troas; Arrest; Rome * Paul’s Letters: Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon * Other Letters: Hebrews, James, Peter, John and Jude Act 5: The End * Revelation: Messages; Lion, lamb and seals; Trumpet plagues; The woman & The dragon; Two beasts; Bowl plagues; Babylon and King of Kings; First resurrection; Second death; New Heaven