Isaiah 2v6-22
Start Verse
End Verse
Heavenly father, Stop me giving undue importance to any thing, whether superstitions, customs, money, power or work
Forgive my arrogance, and give me grace to value what I find in you and worship you alone.
6 You, Lord, have abandoned your people,
We are full of superstitions and embrace pagan customs.
7 Our land is full of money and military power
8 Our land is full of idols - we bow down to the work we do.
12 The Lord Almighty has a day in store
17 when the arrogance of people will be brought low
the Lord alone will be exalted in that day,
18 and the idols will totally disappear.
20 In that day people will throw away their idols of silver and gold
which they made to worship.
21 They will flee from the fearful presence of the Lord
and the splendour of his majesty,
when he rises to shake the earth.
22 Stop trusting in mere humans,
who have but a breath in their nostrils.
Why hold them in esteem?
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