Isaiah 63v15-19
Start Verse
End Verse
Heavenly Father
give us grace today to call out to you for help when we need help
15 Look down from heaven, and see from the habitation of your holiness and of your glory.
Where are your zeal and your mighty acts?
The yearning of your heart and your compassion is restrained toward me.
[We need your care, Lord, and it seems to be lacking]
16 For you are our Father,
though Abraham doesn’t know us,
and Israel does not acknowledge us.
You, Yahweh, are our Father.
Our Redeemer from everlasting is your name.
[C’mon - you are our Father who helps us in our hour of need]
17 O Yahweh, why do you make us wander from your ways,
and harden our heart from your fear?
Return for your servants’ sake,
the tribes of your inheritance.
[We’ve wandered off your ways, so why, as your shepherd haven’t you direct us back to your ways]
18 Your holy people possessed it but a little while.
Our adversaries have trodden down your sanctuary.
19 We have become like those over whom you never ruled,
like those who were not called by your name.
[We’re in a bad way and need you]
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