Variety: Matthew 6:33
Start Verse
End Verse
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”
Authors Adam Bucko and Rory McEntee envision what a “new monasticism” could mean today:
Monastic [life], then, represents for us a complete commitment to the transformative journey, … which takes us into the fullness of our humanity, allowing divinity to flower within us in increasing degrees of love, compassion, joy, sorrow, and wisdom. The monastic is the one who devotes his or her life to this ideal, and allows all life decisions to flow out of this commitment. The root of the word monk is monachos, which means “set apart.” For us, this is not so much a physical separation as a setting oneself apart from our cultural conditioning—from an unquestioning, and un-questing, view of life, one that drives us to adulate material success, seduces us into participating in the devastation of our planet, hardens our hearts to the plight of the poor and oppressed, and divorces us from our innate capacity for spiritual growth and maturity.
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