News 2020 July 3

Sunday morning worship in the church building. From 5th July up to 12 households will be able to be in the church building for Sunday morning worship. Everyone else will continue to participate via zoom online.

Grace Cafe: From 7th July Grace cafe will operate inside and outside the church building every Tuesday betwen 2 and 4pm

Zoom Holiday Bible Club (Mega Makers): 30 of the 90 places have been taken at the on-line zoom holiday club for 7-11 year olds from 27th to 31st July 10-11:15am.

Friday Friends in the Family Centre: From 10th July we are planning to partially re-open our group for senior citizens in the Family Centre. The weekly goody bags that have been supplied since 20th March will be available for collection from the Family Centre

Church picnic: there may be one in August

Value Builders: Our Sunday school for 5-13 year old children is continuing on Saturdays using Zoom (with an extended break around holiday club) until September.

Community Fridge: We are continuing to help staff the food hub at St Andrew’s church

Small groups: are continuing on Zoom: If groups would like to meet in the church building they can do so (using the protocols).

External bookings of Family Centre: We are permitting regular bookings, where they abide by the Covid protocols, but are not permitting one off bookings (e.g. parties)