In this month after our celebration of the day of resurrection, I would like to pass on the challenge that Peter made in his letter to Christians 2000 years ago, that each of us should “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15). This is a daunting challenge, given our imperfections. However not only is the hope that we have a gift, but also our understanding of it is a gift also which comes as we prayerfully reflect on the story. I am confident that we will be given all we need to persevere in proclaiming in our lives the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The following passages should assist us in meeting Peter’s challenge:
In Romans 1:1-7 (Thu 4 April) we learn about Sharing Easter Faith, as a gift. We, like Paul, having received a gift from God (or grace), are called to bring grace to others, in word and deed. In John 20:26-29, 21:15-25 (Sun 7 April) we learn about sharing Easter Faith imperfectly, like Jesus’ flawed disciples. We, like Thomas and Peter, are called to proclaim the good news, despite (or maybe because of) our imperfections. In Luke 24:13-35 (Sun 14 April) we learn about sharing Easter Faith through story. It is as we talk about the life, death and resurrection, and break bread together that we meet with our risen Lord. In 1 Peter 1:1-9 (Sun 21 April) we learn about Sharing Easter Faith in hope. In Acts 2:22-41 (Thu 25 April) we learn about Sharing Easter Faith with understanding. In Philippians 3:1-16 (Sun 28 April) we start our learning about Sharing Easter Faith with perseverance. May God bless each of us as we proclaim it in word and deed May the hearts of those who experience our proclamation be strangely warmed and receive the gift of hope.