The Lord is Risen - He is Risen Indeed - Hallelluia!
In this month after Easter we celebrate the resurrection using five different passages.
In Mark 16:1-8 (27 Mar) we look at how alarming the resurrection can be, and hear the words of a young man dressed in a white robe on the first Easter morning saying “Don’t be alarmed”
In Matthew 28:11-15 (3 Apr) we look at the evidence for the resurrection and why the empty tomb lies behind our faith in our risen Lord.
In John 14:15-29 (10 Apr) we look at the impact of the resurrection on believers. As Christ lives we too will live: holy, loved by the Father and peaceful.
In 1 Corinth 15:12-33 (17 Apr) we look at the meaning of the resurrection as explained to believers by Paul in his letter to the church at Corinth. We will celebrate the fact that Death is swallowed up in Victory!
We finish our study of the resurrection in our all-age worship on 24th April by celebrating the fact that the risen Jesus was not a ghost as shown in Luke 24:36-49.
Let us give thanks that, in the words of 1Peter 1:3,4, In his great mercy God has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance, kept in heaven for us, that can never perish, spoil or fade.”