The process of rebirth and new life in Christ requires repentance, turning away from anything that distracts us from God. Hence we move on to looking at Micah’s call (15th November) for people then and now to turn away from anything that they put in the place of God, commonly called idols, to reject abuse of power (22nd November) in favour of “being filled with the spirit of the Lord and with justice and might as Micah was (Micah 3v8).
Much of this is beautifully summarised symbolically in our Christingle service (29th November). Jesus comes into the world (the orange), deals with sin (the ribbon) and shows us how to live as lights (the candle) in the world which God created (sweets and fruits).
As we approach Christmas we look at* The Reigh of peace (Chapter 4 - Sunday 6th December)* The Bethlehem promise (chapter 5 - Sunday 13th December)* Walking humbly (Chapters 6&7 - Sunday 20th December)