On 10th January we will have a covenant service for the New Year in which there is an opportunity for each of us to renew our personal covenant with God. I hope and pray that this will be a means of grace to each of us. Our Gathered worship in January will therefore focus on our covenant with God.
In 2 Chronicles 34 (Sun 3 Jan) we look at someone (Josiah) renewing a covenant that had fallen into disuse.
In Jeremiah 31:31-34 (Sun 10 Jan) we look at the “Hearts and Minds” covenant which Jesus brings us
Accompanying the marvellous covenant Jesus has with us, in Luke 9:57-62 (Sun 17 Jan) we look at some harder words of Jesus, that are part of the gospel
In 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 (at our church day on Sun 24 Jan) we look at Paul’s instructions on Being Church.
in Genesis 15:1-6 and 17:1-19 (Sun 31 Jan) we look at God’s covenant with Abraham
I pray that you and I would know the blessings of God in the New year:
The Blessing of living in the kingdom of heaven.
The Blessing of being comforted.
The Blessing of inheriting the earth.
The Blessing of having our righteous appetites satisfied
The Blessing of being shown mercy
The Blessing of seeing God.
The Blessing of being known as sons and daughters of God.
You may already feel blessed that your pastor is praying for you, and you may already feel blessed because you know that (Luke 11:13) your Father in heaven is very ready to give to those who ask him!”. However, you know that God is revealed in covenant relationships, namely relationships which are two way. We have our part to play. May you know:
The Blessing of being poor in spirit
The Blessing of mourning
The Blessing of being meek
The Blessing of hungering and thirsting for righteousness
The Blessing of showing mercy
The Blessing of having a pure heart
The Blessing of doing the work of peacemakers
The Blessing of living in righteousness and being persecuted for it.