We continue the theme of Prayer in the run up to Good Friday and Easter.
I pray that we may be enabled to submit to the will of God, just as Mary did (Luke 1:38-55 - Mothers Day) before Jesus was born, and just as Jesus did (Matthew 26:39-42 and John 12:12-36 Palm Sunday 24th) before he died.
I pray that we will faithfully pray for those around us, just as Jesus prayed for his disciples (John 17) and for Peter in particular (Luke 22:31-34 on Thu 7th), even though they seem to be lost causes.
I pray that we may be enabled to bridge the gap between despair and hope (Psalm 130- Thursday 14th), as we hear the risen Jesus through our tears (John 20:1-18 – Easter Sunday 31st).
Following Jesus’ prayers from the cross, I pray that we will be filled with the spirit of Jesus who will enable us to:
- Forgive those who are trying to ruin our lives;
- Help others experiences the same struggle;
- Take care of those near to us;
- Aim hard questions at God, not man Be human enough to admit our need;
- Be assured there is a purpose and an end;
- Surrender our day to God and let Go.