In September, when we started looking at parables I divided them up into 3 groups and gave them three descriptions: parables of the Kingdom, parables of Grace and parables of Judgement. I’d now like to assign a colour to each of these groups: Green, Purple and White.
The Kingdom parables are green because so many of them are about growing – about seeds and plants. They are about the mystery of a kingdom already planted, which grows as a seed does: by its own power and not by our efforts.
The Grace parables, which include the Good Samaritan and the Forgiving Father, are purple, because they are about passionate, selfless love which works through death to the lost, the last, the least, the lonely and the lifeless. The Grace parables are purple because the one who told them wore a purple robe on Good Friday.
The Judgement parables are white. They are white hot. While human passion may be red-hot, white-hot passion is love to the ultimate degree. White is the colour of pure light, for Jesus is the light of the world. However white light includes all the other colours (including green and purple) of the other parables
So what are these white-hot parables of Judgement? The readings for November are:
Vineyard Labourers (the last of the purple Grace parables Matthew 20:1-16 on Sun 3rd
Talents (the first of the Judgement parables) Luke 19:11-27 on Thu 7th
Wicked Tenants Matthew 21:28-46 on Sun 10th
Foolish Virgins Matthew 25:1-13 on Thu 14th
King’s Son Matthew 22:1-14 on Sun 17th
Sheep and goats Matthew 25:31-46 on Sun 24th
Modern parables on Thu 28th
As we look at each of these parables of Judgement, a key thing to look out for is the way in which inclusion comes before exclusion. The purple light of Grace is included in the white light of Judgement. Jesus graciously takes away all the sins of the world first - the terrible judgement happens afterwards when grace is rejected.
I asked last month whether grace works as “give and take” or “take and give”. I am convinced that God’s relationship with us is characterised by “giving and receiving”. I am convinced that our relationship with God is characterised by “receiving and giving”, and that, as we are transformed into his likeness, we can have relationships with others which are characterised by “giving and receiving”.
I believe that judgement occurs when anyone responds to grace with receiving without giving.
Let us continue to encourage each other to respond to the glorious gospel of grace by receiving and giving.