Buscando Iglesia

Esta iglesia es una comunidad de Discípulos Cristianos Bautizados, personas que buscan amar al Dios mostrado a ellos en Jesús y compartir este amor generoso y perdonador con otros en palabra y obra a través del poder de Su Espíritu Santo.

2024 Church family

Looking for a small and friendly community of local Christian Disciples? We welcome all who wish to seek, with us, to love the God shown to them in Jesus and share this generous and forgiving love with others in word and deed through the power of His Holy Spirit, and we seek to do so in an authentic, relational, inclusive, supportive, generous, inspiring and challenging way. 

A collation of what members of the church family were thankful for in 2023 is 

* We are thankful for the support, friendship, care, love, kindness and prayer that is given and received in this church. We hope to contribute to this environment and be bold enough to make meaningful connections beyond Sunday
* We are thankful for belonging to an authentic diverse community with its non judgemental come-as-you-are welcome, acceptance, and inclusion in which we sense being the family of God and find kind people around us who talk with us particularly when we are upset, and find that children are fully included.
* We are thankful for thoughtful and thought provoking biblical teaching; praise and worship which points us to God; and hearing each others experiences of God, through all of which we learn important values which we can use day to day 
* We are thankful for the way in which the church serves the local community showing God’s love in action through Friday Friends, Messy Play, Choir, Grace Cafe, Holiday Club and Youth group; and its care for the wider world
* We are thankful for the sense of the presence and love of God, for being grounded in God and being focused on God so that we find thankfulness, hope, joy, peace of mind, healing, wellbeing, understanding, “assurance of God’s amazing, astounding extravagant love and grace”, and strength to live authentic Christian lives. 


Date Period Location Title Description
-Family Centre Meeting RoomLent groupSmall Groups
-zoom.usSunday PrayersSmall Groups - (also Mon-Sat 9:15-9:30am)
-Main Church BuildingMusic Group
-zoom.usGathered WorshipAll Together Service, in the church building & on Zoom: True freedom (John 8:31-36)

Como con cualquier iglesia, las cosas que hacemos no son únicas para nosotros. Es la importancia relativa que damos a las diferentes cosas y la forma en que las ponemos en práctica lo que nos hace ser lo que somos. Encontraréis personas que buscan amar a Dios como se revela en Jesús y amar al prójimo.

Estamos fuertemente arraigados en nuestra comunidad local, celebrando que Dios se encuentra con nosotros donde vivimos, atrayendo a muchos de nuestros miembros de cerca, y buscamos facilitar que Cherry Hinton sea más plenamente parte del reino de Dios. Nos reunimos los domingos, en pequeños grupos, y en actividades que sirven a otros localmente, mientras apoyamos a aquellos en la pobreza en todo el mundo.

Somos muy conscientes de que no ponemos en práctica las cosas que afirmamos que son importantes, pero buscamos el perdón y seguimos tratando, ayudados por el Espíritu Santo. En la era Coronavirus «hacemos iglesia», pero lo hacemos de manera diferente.