Small Groups

While Sunday morning “covers all the bases”, a variety of different small groups meet during the week, each with a different emphasis where more time can be given to prayer, to praise, to bible study and to sharing our joys, sorrows and challenges.

Date Period Location Title Description
-Family Centre Meeting RoomLent groupSmall Groups
-zoom.usSunday PrayersSmall Groups - (also Mon-Sat 9:15-9:30am)
-Main Church BuildingCafe ChurchSmall Groups with Coffee/Tea from 6pm
-zoom.usEvening House GroupSmall Groups
-zoom.usOasis House GroupSmall Groups
-Family Centre Meeting RoomLent groupSmall Groups
-zoom.usSunday PrayersSmall Groups - (also Mon-Sat 9:15-9:30am)
-Main Church BuildingCafe ChurchSmall Groups with Coffee/Tea from 6pm