Variety: John 8v32
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End Verse
And you will know the truth , and the truth will set you free (John 8: 32)
Based on some thoughts of spiritual teacher Mirabai Starr
One of the things it means to be fully human is to bow at the feet of your everyday existence, with its disappointments and dramas, its peaceful mornings and luminous nights, and to honour yourself just as you are…. . When we are fully human we find magic in the midst of the nitty-gritty, the crusty spaghetti sauce pot in the sink and the crocus poking out of a spring snowfall, the unsigned divorce papers on the kitchen table and the results of your latest blood work on your computer screen.
I know that’s not always easy to stop arguing with reality and instead soften into what is., to learn to let go of our fantasy of the perfect family and to find beauty, meaning, and wholeness in the heart of reality. Unpredictable, ever-changing, humiliating, and humbling reality. To love what seemed our unlovable self, against all odds.
Chances are, if you are a parent, whether adoptive or biological, you have experienced the collapse of your parenting fantasies. You also have received an open invitation to accept the kids you have and forgive the parent you are, with a degree of humility bordering on humiliation and a dash of humour that can sometimes carry maniacal overtones….
This is the human condition. And at the very center of our own shattered dream, the face of the sacred flashes and glimmers. The holy disaster is a beckoning. Come. Let’s enter the fire of love and let it remake us again and again. To be fully human is to take our rightful place on the throne of what is.
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