21.1 The Church may have a Minister or more than one Minister or no Minister. Where a Minister is appointed it is expected that they will become a Member of the Church.
21.2 A Minister of this Church shall accept the Beliefs being the Baptist Union’s Declaration of Principle.
21.3 Where the Church has a Minister she or he shall be in relationship with the Baptist Union and the Association normally expressed by being on the Baptist Union’s Register of Covenanted Persons Accredited for Ministry.
21.4 The Minister, whether or not they are on the Register of Persons Accredited for Ministry shall be supportive of the Church’s relationships with other Baptist Churches, the Association and the Baptist Union.
21.5 The tasks fulfilled by Ministers will vary depending on individual ability and gifting but a Minister is normally expected to be involved in the Activities of the Church with an emphasis on the leading of worship and prayer, the teaching of the Christian faith and the pastoral care of individuals. The Minister shall work with the Church towards achieving its Purpose through its Activities.
21.6 Notwithstanding any legal status afforded to a Minister by statute the Church recognises that the Minister and the Church are in a Covenant relationship based on Christian love and trust and mutual accountability. A Minister shall be in a relationship of mutual accountability with the other Charity Trustees and also with the Church Members.
22.1 When the Church is seeking to appoint a Minister it will normally consult the appropriate staff within the Association before commencing any appointment process and follow, so far as practicable, the Baptist Union’s procedures and recommended terms for the settlement of Ministers.
22.2 A Minister will be appointed or removed by a resolution of the Church Members at a Special Church Members’ Meeting at any time.
22.3 Where a Special Church Members’ Meeting is considering the dismissal of a Minister the Minister shall be allowed to hear what is said to the Church Members’ Meeting and to correct any errors of fact and offer any explanation of the circumstances or reasons for their actions before withdrawing so that the Church Members’ Meeting may prayerfully and carefully consider whether the appointment should be terminated.
22.4 The Church and the Minister shall normally agree ‘terms and conditions of appointment’ including termination procedures based on the standard terms of appointment published by the Baptist Union of Great Britain.
Notwithstanding the fact that any Minister or Ministers appointed by the Church are Charity Trustees they will be entitled to be paid an agreed and reasonable remuneration or stipend out of the funds of the Church.
When there is no appointed Minister the Church Members’ Meeting may appoint a person who is a Church Member or a member of another Baptist Church to be the Moderator (but if they do not do so then the Association may make an appointment of a suitable person) who will hold this office until a new Minister is appointed or until they resign or are released or dismissed by the Church Members’ Meeting.