How we aim to run groups

This is how church groups currently operate:

  • the purpose of the group is to nurture and promote Christian faith while addressing social needs. 
  • there is at least one formal church member on the organising committee and there is a link deacon, who is either on the organising committee or who has regular contact with them.
  • the group is not charged for the use of the Family Centre, but makes a financial contribution to the church, using as a guide the amount that it would have been charged for the use of the Family Centre as an external user.  While most church groups do not charge people to attend, relying on voluntary donations, some charge people to attend, so this decision is for the organising committee to make. 
  • How the group nurtures and promotes Christian faith is up to the organising committee.  In addition to one-to-one conversation, different groups do different things. 
  • The group informs the church meeting whenever a significant change to the group is proposed, 
  • The group shares prayer requests during Sunday morning service at least once a year
  • Information about the group is included in the Annual General Meeting’s Deacons’ Report 
  • The group publicises relevant church services and activities