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Pointers as to how to have a  Happy Christmas  based on the original Christmas story


God so loved everyone that He gave His only Son at Christmas - so let’s enjoy the giving and receiving of presents with those we love.  Also, One name given to Jesus is “God with us” (Immanuel), so let us enjoy the presence of those we are with as we eat & drink together

Awe and Wonder

The Almighty and Eternal God was present among us in Jesus and is present among us by his spirit, so let’s experience Christmas through children’s eyes, and let’s not take ourselves too seriously.  Jesus later said that the Kingdom of (the Almighty and Eternal) God was amongst us - let’s look out for the signs of the kingdom: (e.g. generosity, faithfulness, creativity, justice and truth).  Let’s be prepared to have our breath taken away by this glory of God which lights up the dark places of this world, just as the Christmas lights & decorations brighten up our dark houses, and Christmas songs lift our spirits.

When things go wrong

It is sadly true that those we love the most cause us the most pain - either through relationship breakdown or through death, and this can make Christmas difficult in many families and friendship groups.  However, the angels told the shepherds that there would be “Peace on earth” - a peace that breaks out when we believe that Jesus really does take away the sin of the world (particularly those things that we or others did in the past that we could never forgive).  Where in the past we focussed on unforgiven sin, we are now free to focus on what is good and lovely which leads to much joy for today and Hope for tomorrow.

Be blessed and be a blessing

Nic Boyns

Pastor, Cherry Hinton Baptist Church